There is so much information out there regarding dogs and training.
For almost two years my sole focus has been on behavioural issues and providing board and trains to rehabilitate dogs unwanted behaviours. Taking on the most serious of dog behaviours ranging from human aggression, high anxiety and fear.
I provide board and trains, 3-4 a week, and private lessons to help dogs and their humans get back on track after dogs start to show or have been practicing unwanted behaviours. Building confidence not only in the dogs as required but also for the humans.
I educate humans through out the process of the board and train as well as rehabilitate the dog so that the new freedoms, new confidence and new behaviours continue through out the rest of the life of the dog.
There are a number reasons your dogs are showing the behaviours such as;
lack of clear communication between dog and owner
lack of understanding of dog language
lack of understanding dog body language
mental health issues
lack of knowledge in certain areas such as fear and anxiety
For years now I have been owners how to stand for their dogs, what they are missing and how to better serve the needs of their dog in a way that serves both the dog and the human.
I am a believer of our dogs having luxuries like sleeping in our bed if that is something important to you, I am a believer of dogs having freedoms to be dogs, and I am a believer of our dogs not being given the high stress load of trying to navigate through a confusing world such as ours by ensuring that we take the lead so they are not left with making decisions above their pay grade that can cause anxiety, reactivity, fear, aggression an so forth.
I have worked with someone who started a foundation after watching dogs being euthanized for behavioural issues unnecessarily while working at a vet clinic. Instead of euthanizing we teamed up and I would rehabilitate and she re-home.
There are different aspects of the training world I understand, and I am a very outspoken, passionate human being that has furthered my abilities by challenging myself, working tirelessly for almost 8 years to become the best at what I do.
With some Vets recommending my services, understanding the necessity of balanced training even if it goes against the grain of current popular opinion.
The Instinct to Heel team consists of myself, an Aussie, Chess,' English, and Bai, Texan. I try not to take life too seriously, and I often use experiences to get the point across in my writing. So you'll get a good feel for what I'm talking about. I am not neuro typical and I don't pretend to be. My dog skills far surpass most others, including my writing. ;-)
I am a massive advocate and fan of freedom and having the ability to do life with my dogs no matter what's happening, this is why the e-collar has become my most favourite training tool. There is so much emotionally charged information out there about aversive tools and there are few blogs to note that can speak to this one is talking about "science based" training. And there is another specifically about my experience with the e-collar, why I learned it and why it is not abusive. Click here.
For more info and a visual view of correction while busting the myth of pain and fear being used have a look at this video
I do NOT advocate for ecollars or pinch collars to be used without the professional help of someone who has been professionally training with them for quite some time.
Chess and I have trained / rehabbed close to1000 dogs now. We went to school where I became a Master Trainer, but most won't tell you, the real education comes from experience in this world. The real teachers are the dogs, as they are all so very different from each other. What we have gained over the years meeting so many different characters is knowledge that is difficult to conceptualize even if you could explain it in a book.
Chess and I have definitely levelled up many times over the years, and together with Bai our newest family member who's learning the ropes after being rescued from being Euthanized, make the best team of misfits with the biggest hearts of gold.
Chess has been my biggest teacher, yes in dog, but also in life. I had to learn so much, so we could have the best life together. We are real life. And we don't pretend to be anything other than we are. Imperfect beings doing our best to find the truth in all the mess.
You'll see some psychology mixed in with dog. I'm advocating for our mates through common sense and an understanding of dog body language, communication and leadership. I only rehab dogs for the people who are interested in doing the work too.
I hope to bring you some of what dogs have taught me, to do things a little less complicated and a lot more chill to bring the joy.
I don't hide things, I don't try to make things sound better, and I stand for what's right, for the underdog and anyone else who needs a bit of a leg up. You'll find me the rest of the time hiding out with my boys.
Happy reading!! Happy playing. And happy adventuring.
